[RU-MIL Summary] INTERNET rehab! //Mar 26th Sat 2011

° I came to RU-MIL because I wanted to unfold true goals and objectives of mine under great pressure of bad people.
Figured -- I better do that without bad people in future. Setting a high goal DOES THE SAME JOB of great load but it's way faster path to achieve that goal without losing health.
→ People (most of them) may fall quite low & deliberately lose their dignity in favour of easier life.
→ Never count on others.
→ Initiate, initiate, initiate. Otherwise will do crime for others to have some bread.
→ Work with responsible, decent people. If noone there, don't take slackers -- it's only waste of my energy & moreover -- health.

° To become content with less (simplier food, no artificial entertainment, no internet, simple clothes, no movies/ video, naked women, et cetera).
→ Figured its good to be content with less & I certainly advanced in it. BUT simplier shouldn't mean HARMFUL: very low sleep; poisoned food & shitty water; criminal behaviour of most of people around me; absence of freedom (walking in groups, no chance to simply go out not even mentioning jogging in forest).

° Another reason I came here: to VERIFY MY WORLDVIEW among completely different people that I ever been. To realize do I like my world view/ what's right'n'wrong about it.
→ I saw a lotta shit in my worldview. Rumil shook it quite good. But just for the record there left things.

° GOOD THING #1 about rumil is reliable wear (originally written in paper notes -- practical) & boots on laces.
° GOOD THING #2 about rumil -- SUCH an INTERNET REHAB!

Самое бл*дство [русской] армии [образца 2010 года] в том, как [в тяжёлой обстановке, под серъёзным давлением] люди за поблажку (или покровительство имеющих власть) расстаются с совестью и начинают гнобить своих братьев. Омерзительней, больней и страшней за людей нет [не встречал] больше явления. // Jun 18th 2011

=created= jul 24th 2011
=last modified= jul 27th 2011